Company profile - BOWA Ltd.

Since 1996, BOWA Ltd. has been delivering goods, services and solutions in the area of IT, designed for points of sale of products and services. 

The expansion in the early years of BOWA Ltd. existence was stimulated by direct business partnerships with important foreign suppliers, by distribution and services of goods and products designed for points of sale and last but not least building of service and trade network in Slovakia.  At the same time, the company was giving more and more care to broadening of its portfolio in goods designed for equipping points of sale. 

The rapid following expansion was subjected to the fact that the company has decided to establish its own research and development department and its own product manufacture.

Asociácia elektronických registračných pokladníc - logo

All these activities eventuated in a fact, that BOWA Ltd., as an important importer, was one of the foundation members of an association, which gathers the producers, importers and dealers of electronic cash registers in Slovakia, founded in 2009. Up until now, it significantly partakes of the association's activities.  

Gradual gaining of experience, systematic development of our professional skills and thoughtful pursuing of customers' and dealers' needs were transformed into the final achievement. BOWA Ltd. is a reliable and time-proven importer, producer and distributor of goods designed for points of sale, with a large and well-functioning dealer network. 

Predajné a servisné miesta
Network of resellers and network of service centers of BOWA company

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