Legislation in force regarding cash registers


  1. Act No. 289/2008 Coll., from June 18th 2008 on using electronic cash register
  2. Act No. 465/2008 Coll., from October 28th 2008 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  3. Act No. 504/2009 Coll., from October 22th 2009 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  4. Act No. 494/2010 Coll., from December 2nd 2010 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  5. Act No. 331/2011 Coll., from September 14th 2011 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  6. Act No. 440/2012 Coll., from December 5th 2012 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  7. Act No. 361/2013 Coll., from October 17th 2013 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  8. Act No. 218/2014 Coll., from July 8th 2014 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  9. Act No. 333/2014 Coll., from October 30th 2014 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  10. Act No. 35/2015 Coll., from February 3rd 2015 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  11. Act No. 130/2015 Coll., from May 6th 2015 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  12. Act No. 359/2015 Coll., from February 3rd 2015 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  13. Act No. 180/2017 Coll., from June 14th 2017 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  14. Act No. 270/2017 Coll., from October 11th 2017 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended
  15. Act No. 368/2018 Coll., from December 4th 2018 - by which the statutory text of Act No. 289/2008 Coll. is amended


Zákon o registračných pokladniciachThe amended versions of Acts can be found in Slovak language on following webpage, from where you can download them at no charge - www.slov-lex.sk

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