Pokladnice Datecs DP-50Cash registers DATECS

Compact but very efficient cash registers made by a European producer with a compendious keyboard and very compelling thermo printer are designed respectively for smaller kinds of businesses such as kiosk or mobile selling as well as for services of all sorts.   

Using the models with built-in battery allow you to sell at any place with no need of electrical connection. 

Datecs Ltd. is the biggest producer of fiscal devices in Europe with the annual sales of more than 200 000 fiscal units. Datecs Ltd. exports its products into 67 countries throughout 6 continents.



PC POS pokladnica PegasPOSPC POS cash registers

We are offering efficient POS cash registers with touch screen and high-performance fiscal printer suitable also for more exacting users, branded as Pegas with operating system Windows Embedded POSReady/LINUX and software application PegasPOS.

Unlimited number of product items and product groups, tight cooperation with warehouse management accessible also through the Internet and wide connectivity of devices predestinate these devices to be used in business and dining premises as well.



PC POS systém PP-7000


POS systems

Compact PC integrated with LCD touchscreen, high-performance and wide connectivity for peripheral devices. 
Designed for software applications run by operating system Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 (Windows XP) or Linux.

Very stylish and attractive devices which fit any environment. They are suitable and convenient for business, dining and hotel premises as well as for service places. 



Bixolon logoAs a leader in the global printer market, BIXOLON started life as the Samsung Mini Printer Division. Providing a wide range of innovative and advanced POS Receipt, Label and Mobile printer technologies for the Retail, Hospitality, Healthcare, Banking, Logistics markets and more. BIXOLON’s comprehensive range of Thermal, Impact and Inkjet printers, along with intuitive printer software offer extensive customization capabilities. BIXOLON’s philosophy is to provide a better solution for its customers and maintain a sustainable growth and contribution.

Poslab logoPoslab Technology Cooperation designs and manufactures POS terminal, ARM Motherboards, Book PC, Industrial PDA and Touch LCD monitor. It is not only specialist in hardware, X86 and ARM, but also expert in software, Android and WinCE design. In the past years, Poslab has particularly emphasized in Android POS solution development, in order to provide the brand new and cost-effective solution to POS terminal users. Nowadays, they has already become the leading company for Android POS solution. Remarkable quality is the first priority in Poslab, strict quality control is emphasized.

Access IS logoAccess-IS develops and manufactures electronic systems designed to accurately capture and transfer information into electronic systems based on 30 years’ experience in image processing, RFID/NFC technology and barcode reading. Access-IS also manufactures specialist keyboards for banking and POS (Point of Sale) applications. Operating in over 72 countries Access-IS is focused on three specialized verticals; Airline/Airport, ID Document Readers & Security and Transport Ticketing. In addition to its custom keyboards which are used by banks, trading floors, airlines and retailers, the product range also includes boarding gate readers, a range of document readers for ID document and age verification and paper and electronic ticket readers for ground transport and access control.

Fiskálan tlačiareň Fiscal printers

A full-featured alternative for a cash register ensues by connecting the fiscal printer to a PC or smartphone. 
Our fiscal printers known as Pegas and Pegassino are unique to their technical solutions. The bases of this device are commercially offered professional bill printers, produced by prestigious manufacturers such as EPSON or BIXOLON. By adding the electronic unit of data processing - fiscal memory, and customer's display, the fiscal printer is ensued.   
Fiscal printers Pegas FM-06 and Pegassino are the results of considerable investments and persitent efforts of our research and development team.


Mobile fiscal printers


A mobile device which is based on certified fiscal printer with Bluetooth communication and naturally uses and supports features of mobile data networks. SMARTPRINTER allows to place orders or make actual sale at the customer directly. All sales are made through PegasPosMobile application which is based on Android - by your mobile phone for example.
You can choose from these modes of PegasPosMobile:

arrow Mobile sale
arrowOrder terminal
arrowCash register (retail and restaurant mode)

SMARTPRINTER follows current trends in mobility!

Periférne zariadenia k pokladniciamPeripheral devices 

arrowBarcode scanners
arrowElectronic scales
arrowCounter and kitchen printers
arrowMobile printers
arrowBarcode printers
arrowKeyboards and mice
arrowCustomer's displays
arrowLCD panels and monitors
arrowCash drawers
arrowConverters, adaptors



We think of everything for you! You can find all the necessary accessories for your business premises or warehouses in our E-shop.

arrowData terminals
arrowCoin holders, banknote holders
arrowBanknote detectors
arrowCoin countersEtiketovacie kliešte
arrowLabel guns
arrowStands, holders
arrowCash register books, forms


Spotrebný materiál



We offer a wide range of consumables for cash registers and printers, such as till rolls and inkjet cartridges. We also offer consumables and cartridges for label guns...




Logo MkSQLEkonomický softvérEconomic agenda MK SQL is a product of MK - soft Ltd. company, which is designed on the basis of "client-server" relation. It is instrumental to management of economical, earnings, business and storage recordings of each company. It contains four basic modules, that is single-entry bookkeeping system, double-entry bookkeeping system, lowers and warehouse. It also contains one additional module - CRM.
An excellent price-performance ratio and regular updating, telephone support, fast service directly at user's place.  


Logo Pegas SWSoftware application PegasPOS allows, along with the fiscal printer Pegas FM-06, to create a cash register on basis of computer solution.


Potrubná pošta - tubusAir tube transport systemHÖRTIG ROHRPOST

The air tube transport system developed by German company HÖRTIG ROHRPOST is manufactured by ISO 9001standards. It has twice been awarded Bavarian State Prize and Golden Medal too, for excellent results in the field of technical innovation. 

Logo Hortig Rohrpost



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