Company philosophy and guiding principles

  • To act in line with the further reinforcement of our position as a long lasting and reliable supplier of the whole complex of hardware products as well as services related to equipment and running of points of sale. Furthermore, to act in line with reinforcement of our technical products and services designed for points of sale, trade premises and places of provision of services. 
  • To adduce our long-term experience in detection of target audience's needs and interests into innovative, technologically advanced and progressive solutions.  
  • To constantly seek for innovative, attractive, high quality and still affordable products in trade/services segment. To provide all related activities and to cover all necessary requirements before releasing the products to the market. Simultaneously, to respect and follow legislative conditions. To release the products to the market in adequate price, particularly by means of well-functioning dealer network and service network.   
  • To continually reinforce and expand our dealer and service network and to be helpful in sustaining and improving this network, in terms of its higher quality and superior knowledge. This to be reached by creation of fair and bilaterally convenient partnerships and also by continuous activities aiming for support of our partners.   
  • To be active in building up the relationships with institutions, which compile related legislation as well as with the auditing bodies. Simultaneously, to take an action in improvement of legislative framework and control framework. 
  • To be precise and reliable partner for domestic and foreign subjects. 

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